COP26 | Climate Chance

The COP26 summit brought parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Learn about how the negotiations at COP26 went and the outcomes achieved in the documents below.
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The 26th annual UN Climate Conference under the UK Presidency and in partnership with Italy will take place this year in Glasgow from 1-12 November 2021.
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A new monthly event with the Africa 2022 Climate Action eMag
Climate Chance is launching, in the first half of 2022, the eMag of Climate Action in Africa, a new monthly virtual format for disseminating and sharing information on the sector of the Climate Chance African Coalitions.

The eMag of climate action in Africa
A real opportunity to disseminate strategic sectoral information to African actors engaged in climate action  Join us for a new monthly, virtual format for disseminating and sharing information dedicated to Climate Chance’s African Sector Coalitions.

The objective?
To highlight remarkable climate practices in Africa and to present an overview of the major issues and trends in climate action on the continent, for each major sector.  From January 2022 onwards, Climate Chance will offer a new monthly space bringing together African non-state actors, in all their diversity. This is an essential issue at the beginning of the year, after a COP26 that was deemed disappointing, with particularly complicated access for African actors in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and as COP27 is being prepared in Egypt.   The eMag of Climate Action in Africa will provide key information: reporting on progress on key issues & news and sharing of innovative initiatives for each sector covered by the African Coalitions: climate finance, circular economy, adaptation and water, sustainable city planning, sustainable building, education, agriculture, mobility and sustainable transport and access to energy, energy efficiency.  Each month, for each sector, it will offer a better understanding of the global issues and dynamics of the past year, the expectations and needs of African non-state actors, based on the work of the Observatory, news from the sector as well as a highlight of concrete climate solutions and projects on the African continent. Check out the Africa Climate Action eMag programme in 2022 Find here the African Coalitions Virtual Workshops 2020-2021

Check out the Africa Climate Action eMag programme in 2022

Find here the African Coalitions Virtual Workshops 2020-2021
The first 2022 eMag on Access to Climate Finance in Africa will take place on Thursday 13 January at 3pm (Paris time). Join us to interact with a diverse panel of actors who share their expertise and experiences on access to climate finance.

What is an eMag?
Climate Chance is launching in the first half of 2022 the eMags of Climate Action in Africa, a new monthly virtual format for disseminating and sharing information dedicated to Climate Chance’s sectoral coalitions.
The objective?
To highlight remarkable climate practices in Africa and to present an overview of the major issues and trends in climate action on the continent, for each major sector. 
First eMag of 2022:
Access to climate finance in Africa  Following a COP26 in Glasgow that was deemed disappointing, particularly in terms of ambition, access to financing for developing countries and the issue of loss and damage, the current state of access to financing for African non-state actors remains very critical.  Africa is on the front line of climate change impacts – from droughts to severe and recurrent floods – and adaptation requires significant financial resources that reach actors on the ground who are already carrying out climate projects and initiatives, but lack the means to scale up. 
In this first eMag of 2022, Climate Chance offers you the opportunity to listen and discover feedback from the field on the “what and how” of climate finance in order to better understand the requirements of donors.

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USAfrica Climats Change Relationship :
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